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STIR/SHAKEN is a technological protocol and execution process. It was developed to assist in the verification of an individual’s caller ID. The acronyms are Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR) and Signature-based Handling of Asserted Information Using toKENs (SHAKEN) standards.
It is aimed at reducing phone number spoofing and fraudulent robocalls.


What is it and Why it Matters

STIR offers a means for carriers to validate the identity of callers and focuses on the end devices while SHAKEN addresses deployability.


Significance of STIR/SHAKEN

Statistics suggest that about 4-5 billion robocalls are made in a single month. 40 percent of these are often fraudulent. Given this finding, STIR/SHAKEN restores the consumers’ trust in voice calls.


Impact on Business

The realization of the protocol, and the automatic enrollment of consumers in free Call Authentication blocking tools may have affected outbound telecommerce connection rates.

A call traveling through a phone network would have its Caller ID signed as legitimate. On failure to attain legitimacy, consumers see “Spam Likely” or “Potential Spam” on the Caller ID. In such instances, any chance of an actual conversation is limited.

As an effect of this, only 15 – 30 percent of outbound calls result in an opportunity to converse with a consumer. Companies need up to 5 times the quantity of data input to achieve similar sales results as in past years. This results in a high Cost Per Acquisition.

The following strategies could be adopted to increase the company’s Engagement and Sales at a minimum overall Cost Per Acquisition.

1. Improve Existing Inventory

The Supreme Court’s Telephone Consumer Protection Act ruling narrowed down the definition of an ATDS. As a result, it excludes most ATDSs in active use. This, in turn, increases the market’s ability to telesale to leads on their mobile devices.
With as simple as a consumer’s mobile number, our partners can avail data about the actual prospect. This can be used in attaining increased net prospect conversions.

2. Use Machine Learning & Data Science

Focus on higher ranking converting prospects and channels by understanding which leads are plausible to convert into actual sales.
Knowing the ideal time to call each prospect increases the sales results. The use of machine learning and data science ensures maximum impact.

3. Use Lower Cost Channels

In accommodating prospects that have lower conversion or engagement accuracy scores, moderate cost deployment channels, including SMS and Email, are cost-effective channels to engage and drive inbound deployment.
This enables targeting without surpassing the CPL and the CPA Limit.


Final Thoughts

Landfall combines data, automation, digital marketing, and predictive modeling to engage prospects. This is based on their interests and intent to acquire intended customers on the right channel and at the right time. Schedule a session with us today to discover how to help your business grow, or contact us for any other general queries.

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Do you want to grow your business?

We’re ready to help you land and expand your ideal customers.