(561) 400-9894

When it comes to growing any business, you need to use the power of data.
In recent years, data has become an increasingly important asset for businesses and organizations of all sizes. By collecting and analyzing information about their customers, operations, and competitors, companies can gain valuable insights into their business.

This data can be used to make better decisions about marketing, product development, and strategic planning. As the power of data continues to grow, companies that don’t embrace it will find themselves at a significant disadvantage.
The same is true for a telemarketing business.


Why Telemarketing Businesses Need To Use The Power Of Good Data

When it comes to data, it’s not only about using what you have. It’s critically important that you validate that you have good data. This means that you need to ensure that your data has been cleansed and appended.


Why You Need To Cleanse And Append Your Data

No matter how careful you may be when building your telemarketing lists, over time, that data will become less accurate as people change their contact information, move to a geographical region not part of your target audience, or even pass away.

To keep your telemarketing efforts effective, it’s important to regularly cleanse and append your data.


Know Good Vs. Bad Data

Data is everywhere. It’s collected by governments, corporations, and institutions of all kinds. But not all data is created equal. Some data is more reliable than others, and some data is downright misleading. So how can you tell the difference between good and bad data?

One way to evaluate data is to look at its source. Is the data coming from a reputable source? Does it meet compliance standards? If the answer to all of these questions is yes, then the data is likely to be more reliable.

Bad data wastes your money and your telemarketing team’s time. So it’s important to be able to spot the difference between good and bad data. By taking the time to evaluate the quality of data, you can help ensure that you’re campaigns are more successful.


How Can You Keep that Data Updated?

The first step in keeping your data clean is to make sure you’re only collecting high-quality information in the first place. This means using verified sources.

It’s also important to have a system in place for regularly updating your data. This might include using a customer relationship management (CRM) system to track customer interactions, manually updating contact information when you receive it from customers, or requesting the assistance of a company like Landfall Data.


Remove Duplicates And Amend Inaccuracies

Once you’ve put systems in place to ensure you’re only collecting good data, the next step is to remove any duplicates or inaccuracies.

There are a number of ways to do this, but some common methods include using software to identify and remove duplicate entries, merging separate records for the same individual, and manually reviewing data for errors.


Get Rid Of Dead Leads

In addition to removing duplicates and inaccuracies, it’s also important to get rid of any “dead” leads. These are people who are no longer interested in your product or service, or who have requested to be placed on your Do Not Call (DNC) list.

There are several ways to identify dead leads, but some common methods include using software to track customer interactions, manually assessing data for errors, and running regular reports to identify inactive customers.


Check Legal Compliance

Data cleansing and appending is a vital part of any telemarketing business. By regularly cleaning and updating your data, you can ensure that your telemarketing efforts are as effective as possible.

At Landfall Data, we have the tools and expertise to cleanse and append your data. By doing so, you’ll instantly boost quality and you’ll augment your data set. Contact an experienced member of our team at (561) 400-9894 or send us a message via chat.


Do you want to grow your business?

We’re ready to help you land and expand your ideal customers.

Do you want to grow your business?

We’re ready to help you land and expand your ideal customers.